The configuration of the X-axis coordinates of the chart mainly includes related configurations such as axes, dividing lines, titles, labels, etc.
After registering and logging in ChartCool, enter the online charting tool designer, and appear when designing combination charts, line charts, column charts, scatter charts, and heat maps
Function overview
Interface Effects
X coordinate
Configuration Instructions
Serial number
Configuration interface
Configuration Details
Configuration instructions
X coordinate axis related parameter configuration
Parameter configuration of X coordinate split line
Parameter configuration of X coordinate title
Parameter configuration of X coordinate label
X coordinate axis related parameter configuration
Serial number
Configuration interface
Configuration instructions
Whether to show
The position of the X-axis display, the default is the bottom, it can also be set to the top
Configure the width of the X axis
Configure the color of the X-axis
Configure the style of the X axis (line, dashed, dotted)
Configure whether the X-axis has arrows (select with, default without)
Configure the current number of values on the X-axis (the default is to display all of them) 1. If the configured value is less than the data value, only part of the content will be displayed. 2. If the configured data is greater than the data value, there will be a display on the right. Empty space appears
Whether to display the scale of the X axis
Select the direction of the X-axis display, the default is from left to right, you can also set the warriors from right to left, so as to achieve the effect of sorting.
Parameter configuration of X coordinate split line
Serial number
Configuration interface
Configuration instructions
Configure the width of the X-axis dividing line
Configure the color of the X-axis dividing line
Configure the style of the X-axis dividing line (straight line, dashed line, dotted line)
Whether to display the color of the dividing line area, it is not displayed by default, there will be a default color after opening
The first color: configure the background color of the dividing line area
Second color: If the first color and the second color are configured to be displayed alternately in the dividing line area
Parameter configuration of X coordinate title
Serial number
Configuration interface
Configuration instructions
Enter X-axis title content
Configure the position of the X-axis title display to the left, center, and right
Configure the X-axis title text alignment to the left, center, and right
Configure the font of the X-axis title
Font size
Bold or not
Whether italic
Font color
Parameter configuration of X coordinate label
Serial number
Configuration interface
Configuration instructions
Whether to show the label of the X axis
Configure the display interval of the X-axis labels. By default, the labels will be displayed at the interval that the labels do not overlap (the data may be incomplete). It can be set to 0 to force the display of all labels
Configure the rotation angle of the label, so that the label rotates angularly based on the X-axis, and rotates counterclockwise by default