Online chart making tool
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Rectangular treemap configuration

Configuration description of the relevant parameters of the rectangular treemap


After registering and logging in to ChartCool, enter the online drawing tool designer and select the treemap chart

Function overview

Interface Effects

Rectangular tree
Color Configuration
Display hierarchy depth
Outer border width
Outer border color
Inner margin
Inner border width
Inner border color
Parent level
Show parent level
background color
Font color

Configuration Instructions

Serial number Configuration interface Configuration instructions
Color Configuration
Color Configuration: Click to configure
Display hierarchy depth
Configure the depth to display the treemap, level 1 displays the first level, level 2 displays the second level and so on
Outer border width
Configure the width of the outer border of the overall rectangle
Outer border color
Configure the color of the outer border of the overall rectangle
Inner margin
Configure the gap between the first-level rectangles
Inner border width
Configure the width of the spacing between rectangles inside the rectangle block
Inner border color
Configure the color of the spacing between rectangles inside the rectangle block
Parent level
Show parent level
Configure whether to display the parent node of the rectangle
Configure the height of the parent node label
Configure the position of the parent node label display (up, down, left, right, etc.)
background color
Configure the background color of the parent node label
Configure the font of the parent node label
Configure the size of the parent node label
Configure whether the parent node label is bold
Configure whether the parent node label is italicized
Font color
Configure the font color of the parent node label