Online chart making tool
Help Center

Scatter Configuration

Configuration description of related parameters of scatter plot


After registering and logging in to ChartCool, enter the online charting tool designer and select the scatterplot object

Function overview

Interface Effects

Rising sun chart
Color Configuration
Inner radius of inner circle
Outer radius of inner circle
Inner radius of middle circle
Outer radius of middle circle
Inner radius of outer ring
Outer radius of outer ring
Edge width
Fillet radius
Line style
line color

Configuration Instructions

Serial number Configuration interface Configuration instructions
Color Configuration
Color Configuration: Click to configure
Inner radius of inner circle
Outer radius of inner circle
Inner radius of middle circle
Outer radius of middle circle
Inner radius of outer ring
Outer radius of outer ring
Sort according to the data of the sector, the value of the sector block is determined by the data configuration
Edge width
Configure the width of the outer border of the overall rectangle
Fillet radius
Round corner settings for all sectors
Line style
The style of all fan edges straight line dashed line dotted line
line color
Color of all sector edges